Thursday, July 2, 2009

Gah! - update #5

As you may know, the federal government is well-known for its marvelous standard of efficiency, ranking high in customer service satisfaction. That's why it's SUCH A SURPRISE to find out that we're having problems processing our visas. I know, I know; it's hard to believe. When you have such a zenith of excellence displayed in such government-regulated agencies like the DMV and the Post Office, it seems incongruent with the problem we are facing.

Notwithstanding, the problem remains, and we need prayer for the expedited resolution of our problem. In laymen's terms, we want our government, the pinnacle-beacon of glorious freedom, to give us our passports back, along with the appropriate stamp-mark indicating our freedom to travel through the sovereign nation of Cameroon.

Here are the prayer highlights:

1. Pray that God would help the embassy to answer our phone calls.

2. Pray that God would put it on someone's heart to take care of this from start to finish (it's easy for the ball to drop when it's passing from person to person).

3. Pray that whatever parcel service they choose to ferry our passports will deliver them on time and in good order.

Other than that, we are in our final push to raise the last few pennies to make this trip happen! Pray that God supplies all our needs!

Many blessings,

The Team


  1. I hope everything works out quickly!

  2. Isn't it funny how you haven't even left yet, and already God is finding new and exciting ways to grow your patience? Hehe, get ready... you'll have plenty more opportunities to learn patience.

